Seth Numrich Theater has been my way of learning about everything. – Seth Numrich Learning Quotes Theater Quotes Every show you do, you have to do research, and I love to dig into things. I learned about World War II by doing ‘Anne Frank.’ My weakness as an actor is that I think too much.
Sonam Wangchuk Private schools cannot be the answer to nation’s needs. Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway are leading examples where government schools are world acclaimed. – Sonam Wangchuk
Damaris Phillips My journey was never hard; it just happened. From the second I held a knife, from the second I was in culinary school, it’s all felt too good to be true. ‘This cannot be my job, my life. Somebody has to be kidding with me!’ – Damaris Phillips
Judi Love Working in an Afro hairdresser from 14 was the best education. Through customers and colleagues I was exposed to adult life – breakups, breakdowns, unexpected pregnancies… It opened my eyes to sisterhood and the power of community. Plus, I got my hair done for free. – Judi Love
Harold FordJr These are tough times, and the New Yorkers I have met are facing economic adversity with grace and dignity. They worry about their future, care about their neighbors and hope this storm will pass so they can focus on better days ahead. – Harold Ford, Jr
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