Rose Schneiderman Then came a big strike. About 100 girls went out. The result was a victory, which netted us – I mean the girls – $2 increase in our wages on the average. – Rose Schneiderman Average Quotes Girls Quotes Increase Quotes Netted Quotes Result Quotes Strike Quotes Victory Quotes Wages Quotes All the time our union was progressing very nicely. There were lectures to make us understand what trades unionism is and our real position in the labor movement. After I had been working as a cap maker for three years it began to dawn on me that we girls needed an organization. The men had organized already, and had gained some advantages, but the bosses had lost nothing, as they took it out on us.
Grant Shapps There should be a way of saying to people ‘thank you very much, it has not worked out but here is a good decent package for you to move on from this role and we will support you to move on into other jobs, so it is not a hire and fire thing’; and those are the sorts of changes that Conservatives would like to see. – Grant Shapps
Taavet Hinrikus Without immigration, nations would stagnate. It is key for innovation and for economic growth. – Taavet Hinrikus
Sue Grafton I attended the University of Louisville my freshman year, transferred to what was then Western Kentucky State Teachers College for my sophomore and junior years, and then graduated from the University of Louisville in the summer of 1961. – Sue Grafton
Kate Millett They weren’t crazy. They were tired of being locked up. Even I could see that. – Kate Millett
Joan Halifax Developing our capacity for compassion makes it possible for us to help others in a more skillful and effective way. And compassion helps us as well. – Joan Halifax
Joey Votto There are some instances where I don’t have an opportunity to do anything but walk. There are instances where I get pitches to hit and I can hopefully do something good with it, and I try not to give anything away. – Joey Votto
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