Patti Smith Then I read Little Women, and of course, like a lot of really young girls, I was very taken with Jo – Jo being the writer and the misfit. – Patti Smith Girls Quotes Lot Quotes Misfit Quotes Read Quotes Women Quotes Writer Quotes I always enjoyed doing transgender songs. My daughter is one of my greatest inspirations. She’s an environmentalist, she plays piano, she’s raising money for the earthquake victims in Nepal. Every day she surprises me and teaches me something.
Emma Rigby I love gritty drama. I’m passionate about films and drama that make you think – hard-hitting, gravelly characters. – Emma Rigby
Petina Gappah There’s a Shona saying: ‘chakafukidza dzimba matenga’ – ‘What covers the home is the roof,’ or ‘Every home has its secrets.’ – Petina Gappah
BusinessRichard Branson If you want to be more productive, then start at the start: get there on time. Whether it is a meeting, a flight, an appointment or a date, it’s important to ensure you are there when you say you will be there. This may feel like an old-fashioned tip to give, but it has served me well for five decades in business. – Richard Branson
Rex Hunt From birth to death, anyone can fish. I just think it’s fantastic to see old people going fishing with young people and teaching them things. I’m very, very critical. – Rex Hunt
Gareth Bale You’ve just got to listen to what experienced people are telling you. You’ve obviously got to listen to what they want you to do in training and in matches and commit to improving every aspect of your game. – Gareth Bale
Jessie James Decker I feel better now after two children – I think I look better; I feel better. – Jessie James Decker
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