Alexandra C Pelosi There are a lot of lonely people on the planet that have a lot of money in their pocket and no place to go on a Friday night. – Alexandra C Pelosi Friday Quotes Lonely Quotes Lot Quotes Money Quotes Night Quotes People Quotes Planet Quotes Pocket Quotes If you live in Port Arthur, Texas, and you don’t have any food to feed your family for dinner tonight, global warming is not the most important issue; getting a job and feeding your family is. I was indoctrinated into a Democratic Party cult from a very early age. But I know that’s not the only America and we need to understand the other side.
Christopher Mintz-Plasse My favourite word? I think, delicious, because it sounds so delicious. You say it, and you just wanna eat a chocolate bar. – Christopher Mintz-Plasse
FreedomNeil Gaiman A nice, easy place for freedom of speech to be eroded is comics, because comics are a natural target whenever an election comes up. – Neil Gaiman
Deepak Chopra New Age values are conscious evolution, a non-sectarian society, a non-military culture, global sharing, healing the environment, sustainable economies, self-determination, social justice, economic empowerment of the poor, love, compassion in action, going beyond religious fundamentalism, going beyond nationalism-extreme nationalism, culture. – Deepak Chopra
Anjelah Johnson I live my life not to please my pastor or my church or fellow Christians. I live my life according to my own convictions and morals and core values and principles, and a lot of times, that’s not going to add up to other Christians. – Anjelah Johnson
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