Luciana Berger There are a lot of myths about food banks, but the truth is that many people are increasingly having to turn to them just to put food on the table, including many in work. – Luciana Berger Banks Quotes Food Quotes Including Quotes Increasingly Quotes Lot Quotes Myths Quotes People Quotes Table Quotes Truth Quotes David Cameron needs to get his head out of the sand. He and his colleagues need to see what poverty is really like. For many food poverty is the product of a toxic combination of low wages, austerity economics, spiralling food prices and lengthy delays to benefit payments, all of which should concern us.
FamousNoomi Rapace I can’t see any value in being a celebrity, famous for being famous. – Noomi Rapace
Graham Linehan People are very confused about how to do things on a computer, but generally, if you hover your cursor over things, it will tell you what it is. – Graham Linehan
Corrie Ten BoomLife The measure of a life, after all, is not its duration, but its donation. – Corrie Ten Boom
Sanjeeda Sheikh When they say ‘action’ I transform into a reserved person and as soon as they say ‘cut’ I am Sanjeeda. – Sanjeeda Sheikh
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