Susan Minot There are aspects of love that I once undervalued. Kindness. Having a sort of honor when love is on the table. – Susan Minot Aspects Quotes Honor Quotes Kindness Quotes Love Quotes Sort Quotes Table Quotes Undervalued Quotes Recklessness is par for the course when you’re 25. The teenager’s room is her cave. It is here she can meet herself, undistracted by the new hassles life is making for her. Here, she can reflect.
Buddy GuyCar Why did they keep changing guitars and amplifiers when they were perfect? They did the same things with cars, if you ask me. They forgot how to make them right, because they focused on style and bells and whistles. – Buddy Guy
Kathy Bates My mother used to ask, ‘Why do you always write such sad songs?’ I don’t know if I was different from a lot of adolescents in that respect. – Kathy Bates
Cat DeeleySmile As long as you smile, have sparkly eyes and stick your shoulders back, nobody’s going to notice your bum or your waist or your feet, for that matter. – Cat Deeley
Julian Baggini Stress means something different if it is the result of rewarding work rather than struggling to keep the family out of debt. – Julian Baggini
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