Anne Enright There are certain books that should be taken away from young writers; that should be prised out of their clutching fingers and locked away until they are all grown up and ready to read them without being smitten. – Anne Enright Books Quotes Clutching Quotes Fingers Quotes Grown Quotes Locked Quotes Prised Quotes Read Quotes Ready Quotes Smitten Quotes Writers Quotes If you can just actually let the character be for a bit, then you get the right sense. I write anywhere – when I have an idea, it’s hard not to write. I used to be kind of precious about where I wrote. Everything had to be quiet and I couldn’t be disturbed; it really filled my day.
Andre Villas-Boas I work of my own accord. I don’t want to work with restraints or worry what Jose thinks. – Andre Villas-Boas
Steven Soderbergh After making a lot more films, I realized that the movie and TV business is, for all its inefficiencies, one of the best-run big businesses we have. – Steven Soderbergh
Radhika Pandit Every year we go to Shirali, which is between Murudeshwar and Bhatkal. We have our roots there. The most special part of the trip is visiting the Shri Chitrapur Math. – Radhika Pandit
Ashley Wagner To put on a performance, you have to be emotional. You can’t be a zombie. – Ashley Wagner
Samantha Power Influence is best measured not only by military hardware and GDP, but also by other people’s perceptions that we, the United States, are using our power legitimately. That belief – that we are acting in the interests of the global commons and in accordance with the rule of law – is what the military would call a ‘force multiplier.’ – Samantha Power
Garry Tan Bitcoin will make a dent in society when more normal transactions occur that would have occurred with dollars or credit card. – Garry Tan
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