Alexis Sanchez There are lots of big clubs, and having played for Arsenal, they are also one of them. It’s a huge club, and I was there. – Alexis Sanchez Arsenal Quotes Club Quotes Clubs Quotes Huge Quotes Lots Quotes Played Quotes I can’t be happy with drawing or losing a match. It actually makes me really sad when that happens. I am certainly glad to be the first Chilean ever playing for Arsenal. I will do my best to achieve every possible thing with the club.
David Kirsch Being pregnant is not license to forget all the rules that you abide by when you’re not pregnant. Moving your body, getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, and eating proper foods throughout the day are even more important when you’re pregnant. – David Kirsch
Chris Borland I don’t consider football fun. It’s not like a water park or a baseball game. – Chris Borland
Eusebio I am a happy man. I am no longer out on the pitch but I still live in the football world. – Eusebio
Chiang Kai-shek I have often said China is not lacking in material resources. The question is whether we can make full and good use of them. – Chiang Kai-shek
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