Arundhati Roy There are people who have comfortable relationships with power and people with natural antagonism to power. I think it’s easy to guess where I am in that. – Arundhati Roy Antagonism Quotes Comfortable Quotes Easy Quotes Guess Quotes Natural Quotes People Quotes Power Quotes Relationships Quotes Torture has been privatized now, so you have obviously the whole scandal in America about the abuse of prisoners and the fact that, army people might be made to pay a price, but who are the privatized torturers accountable too? I think people ease into this careerist professionalism, so if you’re a writer it’s your job to manufacture books as opposed to writing them and to go to festivals and spend your life emotionally invested in reviews or the awards. You have to shrink your universe in a way. To me, it’s the opposite.
Shannon Sharpe In our culture, when the parents are having a tough time, the grandparents take care of the kids. – Shannon Sharpe
Seth Gordon My folks are economists and have taught economics and social science so I grew up with those kind of conversations around the dinner table. – Seth Gordon
Shirley Booth Actors should be overheard, not listened to, and the audience is 50 percent of the performance. – Shirley Booth
AngerGuy Standing Every progressive movement has been built on the anger, needs, and aspirations of the emerging major class. – Guy Standing
Naveen Jain Athletes at all ages are bigger and stronger than ever before. And they are being encouraged – sometimes even incentivized, as we recently learned was the case on at least one National Football League team – to play to injure. – Naveen Jain
Alfie Allen It’s great when you see things on a massive scale and you see these huge sets, but it’s not the be-all and end-all – it can be about characters as well. – Alfie Allen
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