Sara Sheridan There are so many ways to do research – even watching old Ealing comedies, watching people getting on and off buses in London, looking at household interiors. – Sara Sheridan Buses Quotes Comedies Quotes Ealing Quotes Household Quotes Interiors Quotes London Quotes People Quotes Watching Quotes Writers are a product of where we come from, but by looking at alternatives to the culture in which we live, we can find ways to change and hopefully improve it. One of the great things about the Fifties is there are so many secrets – people who’ve come back from the war and done these terrible things that they don’t want to think about, or can’t say what they did because they signed the Official Secrets Act.
Meles Zenawi Eritrea is hellbent on destabilising Ethiopia. It does not care who it sleeps with. – Meles Zenawi
Danielle Macdonald You can drive your own self crazy. You don’t have to be in a bad situation or be bullied every day to feel this way. I was constantly judging myself. That’s really the thing that gets you. – Danielle Macdonald
Patti Smith I don’t think the Palestinian people or Afghan children or some other things I’m concerned about are at the top of other people’s agendas – not right now, when America is going through such a recession and people are suffering across the board financially. But I think all that will change. – Patti Smith
Karin Slaughter The most enduring stories in literature generally have some kind of crime at their center, whether it’s the bloody butchery of ‘Hamlet,’ the lecherous misanthropes of Dickens or the lone gunman from ‘The Great Gatsby.’ – Karin Slaughter
Neil GorsuchTeacher In the balance of my professional life, I’ve had the privilege of the working as a practicing lawyer and teacher. – Neil Gorsuch
B Kevin Turner As a team, we have a lot of work ahead of us in FY16 and beyond, but I am confident that, working together, we will make Microsoft a leader in the mobile-first, cloud-first world. – B Kevin Turner
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