Michelle Bachelet There does not have to be trade-off between growth and social protection. A democracy does not mean much if it doesn’t respond to the needs and will of its people. – Michelle Bachelet Democracy Quotes Growth Quotes People Quotes Protection Quotes Respond Quotes Social Quotes Tradeoff Quotes It was said that Chile was not ready to vote for a woman, it was traditionally a sexist country. In the end, the reverse happened: the fact of being a woman became a symbol of the process of cultural change the country was undergoing. As the old joke goes, I have all the sins together. I am a woman, a Socialist, separated and agnostic.
Larenz Tate Fortunately, I grew up in a family that was grounded. My mother and father knew how to guide my career and look out for my best interests. – Larenz Tate
Arthur ComptonStrengthTeacher To make the moral achievement implicit in science a source of strength to civilization, the scientist will have to have the cooperation also of the philosopher and the religious teacher. – Arthur Compton
Dan Hicks I guess my idea of a good audience is one that’s quiet and listens, but also that’s alive: they respond, they’re getting the jokes, they’re with me. And that’ s been happening. – Dan Hicks
Lois Lowry This may sound strange, but at a very early age, at around 3, I was aware that I was smarter than the other kids. – Lois Lowry
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