Chris Chibnall There have been so many different versions of the legend and of ‘Camelot,’ so what I wanted to do was strip it all back, and go back to the beginning and tell the story of Arthur, from the beginning of the relationship between Merlin and Arthur. – Chris Chibnall Arthur Quotes Camelot Quotes Legend Quotes Merlin Quotes Relationship Quotes Story Quotes Strip Quotes Versions Quotes I don’t ever want to be gratuitous, for the sake of being gratuitous, but when it serves the stories and the characters, it’s nice to be able to do that, realistically and with credibility. You don’t want to do it for the sake of it, or shoe-horn it in. But, it’s a good tool to have in the toolbox. Growing up as a Brit, Arthur and Merlin and Camelot, and just the idea of it, is embedded in the culture and in your soul, growing up. King Arthur is alongside Robin Hood, as those great British folk tales, myths and icons.
EqualityJack Kemp Republicans many times can’t get the words ‘equality of opportunity’ out of their mouths. Their lips do not form that way. – Jack Kemp
Mark Cavendish I used to walk down a street and nobody would notice me. Now, I get stopped all the time; people saying, ‘well done’. It makes me really, really proud to have done my bit to help make cycling a little bit more popular. – Mark Cavendish
Rumaan Alam When we had our first son, four different people gave us the same present: a copy of Ezra Jack Keats’ ‘The Snowy Day.’ A new child often inspires duplicate gifts – we were given a dozen mostly useless baby blankets, just one more thing to spit up on – but this one was different. – Rumaan Alam
Emma Weymouth I did ‘Strictly’ with my whole heart, my whole soul. I genuinely put everything into it. To be part of it is so amazing. – Emma Weymouth
Anderson Silva I respect Conor McGregor a lot because this man changed everything in the UFC. – Anderson Silva
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