Ahmet Ertegun There is a certain sort of excess that is interesting, don’t you think? And America is, of course, the most excessive place. – Ahmet Ertegun America Quotes Excess Quotes Excessive Quotes Sort Quotes I came close to signing Elvis Presley. I offered $25,000 for his contract and they asked for $45,000 and I just didn’t have the other $20,000. My father was in Ataturk’s closest group. They lived together during the War of Liberation in Turkey.
Abby Lee Miller It takes me about two hours to run into Target. People always want a picture. They hem and haw, and they can’t spit the words out, so they waste about five minutes of my time just standing there getting ready for a picture. Just do it! – Abby Lee Miller
Neneh Cherry I’ve never really spent too much or put too much gravity or placed too much importance on being a pop star. It’s like, OK, great, does that mean I don’t have to do anything anymore except walk around and be a pop star? – Neneh Cherry
Romain Grosjean I love street races; there’s something about racing in the middle of a city. – Romain Grosjean
Santhosh Narayanan Mercury’ being a silent film needed a strong background score that could give you chills down the spine. – Santhosh Narayanan
MomZoey Deutch My mom passed on her obsession of all things antique or vintage. I love to go thrift store shopping or explore any sort of garage sale. Treasure hunting is a family passion. – Zoey Deutch
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