Rumaan Alam There is a tendency to presume autobiography in fiction by women or minorities. Guys named Jonathan write universal stories, while there’s this sense that everyone else is just fictionalizing their own small experiences. – Rumaan Alam Autobiography Quotes Experiences Quotes Fiction Quotes Fictionalizing Quotes Guys Quotes Jonathan Quotes Minorities Quotes Named Quotes Presume Quotes Sense Quotes Stories Quotes Tendency Quotes Universal Quotes Women Quotes Write Quotes Obama-as-dad is my favorite Obama. Obama-as-executive, with his stubborn faith in reasonableness in times absent of reason, presided over the country during its descent into madness. I find it a comfort that Obama-as-dad presided over a family that leaves the White House healthy and happy. Does a bona fide chimichurri have cilantro in it? Who cares? Cooking for your family, unless your family includes Joel Rubouchon, is liberating in that regard.
Amber Valletta Everybody’s constantly growing. In your twenties, you can learn a lot, and you can be very smart and clever and savvy. Especially these kids today. They seem like they have it all together. But let’s talk to them again when they’re 40 years old and see really who they are. Is it who they thought they were at 25? – Amber Valletta
Gautam Rode My breakfast consists of skimmed milk, a scoop of whey protein, and granola with dry fruits and oats. – Gautam Rode
Jeanne Damas I absolutely always buy in a bigger size. This is true for coats and also sweaters – I always take a bigger size because I think it looks far more chic if it’s loose-fitted rather than tight. – Jeanne Damas
Barry Ritholtz You want less of the annoying nonsense that interferes with your portfolios and more of the significant data that allow you to become a less distracted, more purposeful investor. – Barry Ritholtz
Conner Eldridge As a senator, I will prioritize overturning the current system and restoring openness and integrity to our government to return power to the people. – Conner Eldridge
Suze Orman Every time you overhear something hurtful, I want you to do something kind for someone else. – Suze Orman
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