Lynn Good There is growing demand for renewable energy. – Lynn Good Demand Quotes Energy Quotes Growing Quotes Renewable Quotes The closing of ash basins is really part of decommissioning a coal plant. As we look ahead, we see increasing opportunities for Duke in natural gas – not just for producing electricity, but in providing gas for our customers. We have been investing in renewables as well throughout the U.S.
Francis Ngannou I’m going to make my own heaven. I’m going to struggle for it. I’m going to fight to earn everything I dream about. – Francis Ngannou
Lexi Alexander When I was nominated for an Oscar and seated next to Martin Scorsese, there was nothing in my mind that made me think, ‘Hey, in three years maybe I’ll make another remake of ‘Punisher.” – Lexi Alexander
Matt LeBlanc I’m not in a rush to do anything. And I wouldn’t say I pick and choose. When it comes to producers picking people for roles I don’t think it’s between me and Tom Cruise, do you know what I mean? – Matt LeBlanc
Robert Christgau If rock criticism is to be a political calling, which has always been my angle, that’s obviously not because it’s a fountainhead of protest songs. – Robert Christgau
Baltasar Kormakur When I made ‘101 Reykjavik,’ people talked about ‘Almodovar on ice.’ When I made ‘The Sea,’ people referenced Bergman. – Baltasar Kormakur
Pamela Hanson I hardly look at myself in the mirror… I’ll only wear makeup if I need to cover something up. But I’ve recently started caring about my skin. I just turned 60 and was like, ‘OK, maybe it’s time to start thinking about it.’ Before that, I would just splash water on my face, put cream on, and then leave. – Pamela Hanson
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