Marvin Ammori There is just one exception to the FCC’s no-throttling rule – if a company can prove that throttling is ‘reasonable network management.’ – Marvin Ammori Company Quotes Exception Quotes Fccs Quotes Management Quotes Network Quotes Nothrottling Quotes Prove Quotes Reasonable Quotes Rule Quotes Throttling Quotes The user, not the ISP, should be the kingmaker of apps. Default choices often remain unchanged for no reason other than being the default, either because of this lack of information or humans’ status quo bias.
Jack Wilshere Nothing goes through your head when you’re playing except who you are playing against and what you can do to affect the game. – Jack Wilshere
MedicalSangram Singh There was a time when I was not able to speak properly because of my medical condition. But I managed to fight against all those odds. – Sangram Singh
Kate Middleton I am sure you will agree that all children deserve time, attention, and love from the adults in their lives. These basic qualities are so much more valuable than the always-changing material and social concerns that can seem so important to young people. – Kate Middleton
Sherrod Brown I have generally and will always fight for clean air and safe drinking water laws. – Sherrod Brown
Molly Ivins I only aim at the powerful. When satire is aimed at the powerless, it is not only cruel – it’s vulgar. – Molly Ivins
CommunicationPeter Greenaway Everything I try to do wants to be able to push communication through the notion of the visual image. – Peter Greenaway
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