Mura Masa There is maybe a danger of dwelling on the past, but I think that’s far less dangerous than moving forward without learning and not being able to find joy in happy memories and things like that. – Mura Masa Danger Quotes Dangerous Quotes Dwelling Quotes Happy Quotes Joy Quotes Learning Quotes Memories Quotes Moving Quotes I’m a child of the internet. I think there’s a huge pivot in popular music, and just in culture in general, towards art that is vulnerable and emotionally honest.
Andy Ngo It is known that some victims don’t report crimes against their perpetrator. Many fear that they will not be believed. What is less understood is why anyone might expect people to believe they’re the victim of a crime in the absence of evidence. – Andy Ngo
D Imman I would like to reach out to the global audience; Music is beyond all the culture and language barriers. – D Imman
Jamie Hince I used to take ‘Visions of Cody’ by Jack Kerouac on tour all the time. I don’t really love Kerouac, but that book, you could just open at any page and find something incredible for that day. – Jamie Hince
Artem Lobov If you look at Mayweather’s fights he often likes to get into the clinch, but what is a boxer in a clinch against a wrestler, an MMA fighter? – Artem Lobov
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