Nathaniel Smith There is much boasting among the young men about their teams as their horse and carts in Cleveland. Most of the Yorkshire men take as much delight in their ox draught as they used to do in their Horse Draught. – Nathaniel Smith Boasting Quotes Carts Quotes Cleveland Quotes Delight Quotes Draught Quotes Horse Quotes Ox Quotes Teams Quotes Yorkshire Quotes If the people in Britain knew the nature and disposition of the New England people as well as we do they would not find so many friends in England as I suppose they do. But the worst of all is, according to the old phrase, while the grass grows, the horse starves, but the man of money is the man for Nova Scotia. Those may do extremely well.
Martha Nussbaum Teaching has always been a very important part of my life. It is one of the ways I contribute to society. It is also a source of energy and insight. – Martha Nussbaum
Monica Galetti We’re all equals – once you’ve got a jacket on, you’re a chef. It’s not about gender – it’s your ability to cook. – Monica Galetti
Lorne Greene The only way we can reduce the number of these endangered species is to improve and provide additional habitat where they can live and reproduce. – Lorne Greene
Gurjeet Singh Technologies like Ayasdi’s exist now to automatically discover information from data without having someone making guesses up front. – Gurjeet Singh
Isabel Yosito Stars that shine bling in the moon night, might I find true love sqirreled away tonight? – Isabel Yosito
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