John Buchanan Robinson There is never enough gold to redeem all the currency in circulation. – John Buchanan Robinson Circulation Quotes Currency Quotes Gold Quotes Redeem Quotes Accordingly, when the supply of gold runs short, the security behind the notes is diminished, the loaning of notes is restricted or suspended, and the panic follows. At present, financial crises occur, chiefly because the paper currency is redeemable in gold only.
Joaquim Barbosa Actually, I never thought of me being president of Brazil. First of all, I’m not a politician. I never have been, and I think I’m a very unlikely person for this kind of job because of my frankness. I’ve never dealt with political parties. I have no connections with political parties. So, I don’t think so. – Joaquim Barbosa
Dylan Penn I wear sunscreen every single day – I just don’t go out of the house without it. I also try to get enough sleep, eat as healthy as I can and keep hydrated. I have very sensitive skin, and depending on what products are used on a shoot, my skin can break out in an instant. – Dylan Penn
Shannon Purser As I got older, I fell more in love with movies and thought it would be incredible to someday be in one. – Shannon Purser
Al Yankovic I write and write and write, and then I edit it down to the parts that I think are amusing, or that help the storyline, or I’ll write a notebook full of ideas of anecdotes or story points, and then I’ll try and arrange them in a way that they would tell a semi-cohesive story. – Al Yankovic
Owen Jones The market fundamentalist ideology that dominates much of the west has attempted to indoctrinate us with a simple myth: that we all rise or fall according to our individual efforts alone; that billionaires amass vast amounts of wealth because they are entrepreneurial, plucky, go-getting geniuses. – Owen Jones
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