Mollie Hemingway There is no need to respond to whatever your most powerful and unaccountable political opponent says you have to respond to, particularly on their own corrupt and partisan terms. Treat them as your primary political opposition, because they are. – Mollie Hemingway Corrupt Quotes Opponent Quotes Opposition Quotes Partisan Quotes Political Quotes Powerful Quotes Primary Quotes Respond Quotes Terms Quotes Treat Quotes Unaccountable Quotes There are people who think that uniting with people who think that the country is irredeemably evil is not in our best interest. Religious liberty is a natural right and a highly sensitive issue for Americans, many of whose forefathers frequently came to the country to practice it.
Stephen Curry To excel at the highest level – or any level, really – you need to believe in yourself, and hands down, one of the biggest contributors to my self-confidence has been private coaching. – Stephen Curry
Reshma Saujani You really never know where your path will lead you, but working with technology was truly the best way I could make a difference. – Reshma Saujani
Sandra Day O'Connor I’m a judge. It seemed to me that it was critical to try to take action to stem the criticism and help people understand that in the constitutional framework, it’s terribly important not to have a system of retaliation against decisions people don’t like. – Sandra Day O’Connor
Ramy Youssef If you want a show to talk about politics or the Muslim ban or whatever – someone should make that show. That’s not what I’m interested in. – Ramy Youssef
Jasmin Bhasin No one is supposed to know about my personal life because that is supposed to be kept private. – Jasmin Bhasin
AgeArchitectureFrank Lloyd WrightGreatTime Every great architect is – necessarily – a great poet. He must be a great original interpreter of his time, his day, his age. – Frank Lloyd Wright
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