Julian Bream There is no piece of guitar music that has the formal beauty of a piano sonata by Mozart, or the richly worked out ideas and passion of a late Beethoven string quartet, or for that matter the beautiful mellifluous poetry of a Chopin Ballade. – Julian Bream Ballade Quotes Beautiful Quotes Beauty Quotes Beethoven Quotes Chopin Quotes Formal Quotes Guitar Quotes Ideas Quotes Late Quotes Matter Quotes Mellifluous Quotes Mozart Quotes Music Quotes Passion Quotes Piano Quotes Piece Quotes Poetry Quotes Quartet Quotes Richly Quotes Sonata Quotes String Quotes I much rather coach a string quartet in an interpretation of Haydn or Beethoven than to teach the guitar. One thing you learn very rapidly in this business is that you are part of a continuing tradition.
Julius Rosenwald Early in my business career I learned the folly of worrying about anything. I have always worked as hard as I could, but when a thing went wrong and could not be righted, I dismissed it from my mind. – Julius Rosenwald
Ginny Brown-Waite When given the chance, women have proven they will participate in the electoral process. – Ginny Brown-Waite
Jim Butcher When a young writer comes up to me with an ambitious idea for a 20-book series, I usually tell him to maybe try something smaller to start off with. – Jim Butcher
Rickie Lambert Luckily I was financially okay, so I had a choice, I didn’t have to stay in the game. A lot of players have to play as long as they can. I didn’t. – Rickie Lambert
Iliza ShlesingerPet Most women have jobs that require them to leave the house. A cat is actually a perfect pet. You get the love and companionship of a creature covered in fur, and you don’t have to take it for a walk, and it can feed itself. Less maintenance. Surely any man can appreciate the practicality of this choice. – Iliza Shlesinger
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