John Mortimer There is no pleasure worth forgoing just for an extra three years in the geriatric ward. – John Mortimer Extra Quotes Forgoing Quotes Geriatric Quotes Pleasure Quotes Ward Quotes Worth Quotes No brilliance is needed in the law. Nothing but common sense, and relatively clean finger nails. There is always time for failure.
Mario Testino In the South America of the forties and fifties, everyone was into beauty and glamour and fashion. – Mario Testino
James FormanJr We must continue to recruit progressive prosecutors to run in local elections, support those who do, and hold them accountable if they win. – James Forman, Jr
Synyster Gates If I’m proud of one thing in my playing, it’s being able to slow it down and focus on the melody. – Synyster Gates
Kate Williams People are not happy with women in actual power, yet we seem to be happy to take women on as figureheads, objects, like queens. It’s a powerful yet politically powerless role. – Kate Williams
Kevin Faulconer We cannot have a mayor who does not support pension reform. We cannot have a mayor who will not support managed competition for city services when voters passed it overwhelmingly. – Kevin Faulconer
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