DreamsGordon B Hinckley There is no substitute under the heavens for productive labor. It is the process by which dreams become realities. It is the process by which idle visions become dynamic achievements. – Gordon B Hinckley Achievements Quotes Dreams Quotes Dynamic Quotes Heavens Quotes Idle Quotes Labor Quotes Process Quotes Productive Quotes Realities Quotes Substitute Quotes Visions Quotes I actually build my dreams around the dancers I’ve got in my company. You go after your dreams no matter how many obstacles. You want to go forward. That’s what I did.
Leo Varadkar Unless people who voted for unionist parties are suddenly going to vote for a united Ireland, which I don’t believe will happen, a border poll will be defeated. – Leo Varadkar
Frances Beinecke Though many corporations honor commitments to reduce dangerous pollution, some cut corners and cheat. The marketplace doesn’t always have mechanisms to correct bad actors. – Frances Beinecke
Kenny Smith I think, for me, one of the things I’ve been blessed with is the ability to speak with clarity. – Kenny Smith
Marvin Harris Now we are in a situation in which for a significant part of the industrial world too much could become a danger, especially too much of the things which are really not good for us in such large quantities. – Marvin Harris
Jo Stafford I had a very unusual contract. Most artists actually pay for their record dates and it comes out of their royalties. I paid for nothing. – Jo Stafford
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