Patrick Kavanagh There is nothing as dead and as damned as an important thing. The things that really matter are casual, insignificant little things. – Patrick Kavanagh Casual Quotes Damned Quotes Dead Quotes Insignificant Quotes Matter Quotes In the dear dead days beyond recall, when I was in my prime as a film critic, the industry was booming. Hollywood, to give them their due, always called it the industry, through quite a few imagined it as an art form and went through several hours regularly at tiresome films in the sacred cause of art. Malice is only another name for mediocrity.
Ian Harding A little while ago, I had this realization that so much of my happiness depended on what my career was looking like at that time, and that’s, like, death of happiness right there. – Ian Harding
Mortimer Adler Love consists in giving without getting in return; in giving what is not owed, what is not due the other. That’s why true love is never based, as associations for utility or pleasure are, on a fair exchange. – Mortimer Adler
Kimora Lee SimmonsTravel Even if you can’t afford to travel the world, you can take your children to the museum, zoo or local park. And don’t be afraid to take them to grown-up spots. Eating out in a restaurant teaches children how to be quiet and polite and gives them the pleasure of knowing you trust them to behave. – Kimora Lee Simmons
Robert Sapolsky Disgust is a very powerful tool for bringing about crowd violence. If a group can be dehumanized and made into the Other, the ‘them,’ to treat that group horribly is made much easier. – Robert Sapolsky
Shawn Mendes I don’t like age barriers. I don’t like when people treat you differently when they find out how old you are. – Shawn Mendes
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