Amit Sadh There is nothing called ‘switch on-switch-off’ in an actor. We are not machines. – Amit Sadh Actor Quotes Called Quotes Machines Quotes Onswitchoff Quotes Switch Quotes I think a movie released is better than a movie stuck. Unfortunately in Bollywood, if your film is a flop, your acting is considered flop too.
Andre Ward More time than not, athletes, specifically fighters, have a 15 or 20-year career, and unfortunately, we end up right where we started when it’s over. All we have is maybe a round of applause when we walk in a room – Hey, there’s the champ! That’s great; I want that, but I’ve got to have something tangible to show for it, too. – Andre Ward
BusinessMarcus Sakey Nobody is accidentally in Alaska. The people who are in Alaska are there because they choose to be, so they’ve sort of got a real frontier ethic. The people are incredibly friendly, interesting, smart people – but they also stay out of each other’s business. – Marcus Sakey
Henrik Fisker My motivation for starting Fisker was simple: I thought there must be a market for beautiful, exciting, fast, environmentally friendly cars. The car is probably the only product you can still fall in love with and have a relationship with. – Henrik Fisker
Alexander Hanson The Sound of Music’ is set in 1938 in Austria at the time of the Anschluss. – Alexander Hanson
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