Christina Anstead There is nothing like a good three-mile run for me to really clear my head and get my endorphins going. My other go-to is yoga. – Christina Anstead Endorphins Quotes Goto Quotes Head Quotes Threemile Quotes Yoga Quotes I discovered Orangetheory and I’m totally hooked! It combines running, which is my favorite workout, with weight training, which I never do on my own. Exercise is my stress reliever.
Brooklyn DeckerChristmas You know what I love the smell of? Christmas trees and pine. I always have a pine candle even if it’s not Christmas. – Brooklyn Decker
Sepp Blatter FIFA’s goal of making the world a better place through football cannot be achieved through our efforts alone – equally important is the power which every fan of the beautiful game has at their disposal. – Sepp Blatter
Miguel Ferrer We were given clear concrete tools. The course did a great job demystifying the art of fiction writing and fostering confidence. The instructor brought complex concepts down to earth. I will miss coming here every week. – Miguel Ferrer
Pat Buchanan Among the achievements celebrated in Trump’s first 100 days are the 59 cruise missiles launched at the Syrian airfield from which the gas attack on civilians allegedly came, and the dropping of the 22,000-pound MOAB bomb in Afghanistan. But what did these bombings accomplish? – Pat Buchanan
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