Madison Cawthorn There is nothing that I would dread doing more than having to pick up arms against a fellow American. And the way that we can have recourse against that is if we all passionately demand that we have election security in all 50 states. – Madison Cawthorn American Quotes Arms Quotes Demand Quotes Dread Quotes Election Quotes Fellow Quotes Passionately Quotes Pick Quotes Recourse Quotes Security Quotes I will remove Joe Biden from office, and then, when Kamala Harris inevitably screws up, we will take them down, one at a time. Voter fraud is common in America. Those who tell you otherwise are lying.
Marco Asensio When I go out onto the pitch, I don’t do so thinking about objectives or the need to win. I think about enjoying it, but from a point of view of responsibility and of giving your all. – Marco Asensio
AttitudeTom Stoppard If I had been asked to write 1,200 words for a newspaper tomorrow, on any subject, I would just do it rather than leave a white hole in the page. And I think it’s a very healthy attitude to take to writing anything. – Tom Stoppard
Laura Mennell When I stopped eating meat, I fell in love with East Indian food – there’s so much selection, and they use the most beautiful spices. – Laura Mennell
Jan Schakowsky From its onset, the labor movement has been at the forefront of the fight to improve working conditions and workplace safety. At the local level, knowing their union has their back gives workers the confidence and support they need to stand up and report harassment, poor working conditions, or workplace safety violations. – Jan Schakowsky
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