Paul Rudd There is something about growing up in the Midwest that gives a different kind of sensibility. But if I’m feeling insecure, the smiles and politeness get upped a notch, and maybe that isn’t totally reflective of how I’m feeling on the inside. – Paul Rudd Feeling Quotes Growing Quotes Insecure Quotes Midwest Quotes Notch Quotes Politeness Quotes Reflective Quotes Sensibility Quotes Smiles Quotes Totally Quotes Upped Quotes I’ve hitchhiked – it is ‘hitchhiked,’ and not ‘hitchedhike’ like ‘passersby,’ right? – a couple of times, but only in emergency situations, and that’s really the time that it’s okay to hitchhike. I was always in new schools and had British parents, which was not the norm, and I think there was also… I’m not particularly religious, but I was born Jewish, and I always felt like the outsider because I wasn’t Christian or Catholic.
Maria Mitchell I made observations for three hours last night, and am almost ill today from fatigue; still I have worked all day, trying to reduce the places, and mean to work hard again tonight. – Maria Mitchell
Maria Montessori If the whole of mankind is to be united into one brotherhood, all obstacles must be removed so that men, all over the surface of the globe, should be as children playing in a garden. – Maria Montessori
Gayle Lynds I’ve always looked upon research as an opportunity to satisfy my curiosity. But the other side of the coin is one must not be so caught up in it that one never gets the book written. – Gayle Lynds
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