Sophie B Hawkins There is something about the stage that makes it so much better than being in the studio. I always connect with my audience; a concert to me is a collaboration between me and the audience, and I love it so much. – Sophie B Hawkins Audience Quotes Collaboration Quotes Concert Quotes Connect Quotes Love Quotes Stage Quotes Studio Quotes I am so proud to be partnering with Waterkeepers, who are the voice for the Gulf Coast’s waters. I can be completely spontaneous, which is absolutely wonderful. I don’t like it at the same time; no one wants to be nervous all the time, but that nervousness mixes with the excitement I feel on the stage, and it makes for a wonderful performance.
Rajinikanth I believe spiritualism is above everything, and I would choose it over name, fame, and money because spiritualism gives you power, and I love power. – Rajinikanth
James Dean The cinema is a very truthful medium because the camera doesn’t let you get away with anything. On stage, you can even loaf a little, if you’re so inclined. – James Dean
Lisa Stansfield I’m a singer. I’m a musician. I’m a writer. Maybe – I don’t know – I couldn’t give a child what it needed. – Lisa Stansfield
Max Boot I love what I do and realize I am supremely lucky to be able to make my living by writing and speaking about the news of the day. – Max Boot
Federico Fellini A created thing is never invented and it is never true: it is always and ever itself. – Federico Fellini
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