Jacob Rees-Mogg There is sometimes an almost vindictive streak in politics whereby governments follow policies which they know will harm the electorate, but nonetheless, they keep them, sometimes for years. The Corn Laws are a classic example. – Jacob Rees-Mogg Classic Quotes Corn Quotes Electorate Quotes Follow Quotes Governments Quotes Harm Quotes Laws Quotes Policies Quotes Politics Quotes Streak Quotes Vindictive Quotes In the 2010s, it is not the price of bread that is falsely and unnecessarily inflated by obstinate politicians but that of energy. There are cheap sources of energy either available or possible, but there is a reluctance to use them. The state ought not to intervene to prevent individuals from doing things that not only are no risk to others but are of no risk to themselves either.
Carol Alt If you could sit down with Jesus, you wouldn’t need anybody else. He could answer all of your questions. Instead of Einstein and Louis Pasteur and Madame Curry, you could just have Jesus and he could answer for all of them. – Carol Alt
John Barton I became intrigued with colour theory. The absurd pronouncements of the Colour Institute, a group that decides what colours are hot each year or season, amused me. – John Barton
Peter Dinklage If I was born 400 years ago instead of now, I wouldn’t have the life I have. There were freak shows, and there was horrible discrimination. – Peter Dinklage
Alex Gibney Why do we even need WikiLeaks? They’re not the only organization that publishes leaks. And they don’t have some special technology that allows them to post on the Internet with mirrored sites. The idea of WikiLeaks lives on, but as an organization, it’s become increasingly irrelevant. – Alex Gibney
Chris Jericho I would have to say that Canada definitely produces the best wrestlers; I don’t know why. I think Canada is a big wrestling country, and there are a lot of guys who are interested in wrestling in Canada. – Chris Jericho
Jim Starlin I consider ‘Dreadstar’ to be an extension of my family, so it took me a while to feel comfortable letting anyone else take care of this project. – Jim Starlin
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