Ennio Morricone There was a theft! But, of course, if it was up to me, every two years I would win an Oscar. – Ennio Morricone Oscar Quotes Theft Quotes Win Quotes You can see my decision as either a distinctive factor or as a limitation. I don’t feel it is a limitation. It had a very good arrangement by Herbie Hancock, but it used existing pieces.
Jazz Jennings Falling in love. Being in love. It’s something I dream of, something I want to feel. – Jazz Jennings
Sam Waterston Good directors say, Here’s where the play is. They stand by the heart of the matter. Some of them stand beside it. – Sam Waterston
James Watkins There are a lot of horror films out there that are nasty, but what’s nasty isn’t necessarily scary. – James Watkins
Rick Perlstein I’ve summarized dozens of books in my literary career; it’s become rather second nature. – Rick Perlstein
Cristina Saralegui In my house, we speak Spanglish to the dogs, to the grandchildren, to the kids. – Cristina Saralegui
Rose Ayling-Ellis I hope I will do the deaf community proud and break down more barriers. – Rose Ayling-Ellis
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