James Longstreet There was no indication of panic. The broken files marched back in steady step. The effort was nobly made and failed from the blows that could not be fended. – James Longstreet Blows Quotes Broken Quotes Effort Quotes Failed Quotes Fended Quotes Files Quotes Indication Quotes Marched Quotes Nobly Quotes Panic Quotes Steady Quotes Step Quotes Pickett’s lines being nearer, the impact was heaviest upon them. As full lines of battle could not be handled through the thick wood, I ordered the advance of the six brigades by heavy skirmish lines, to be followed by stronger supporting lines.
Saweetie With a lot of attention comes criticism, but I’ll take that. I’m reaching all the goals I’ve set for myself, so you can’t say anything bad about that. – Saweetie
Jillian Hervey My mom has always just been one of those people who handle adversity and challenges, and really everything, with so much grace and elegance. I saw it all the time. – Jillian Hervey
Dennis Cardoza I fully support the goal of species protection and conservation and believe that recovery and ultimately delisting of species should be the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s top priority under ESA. – Dennis Cardoza
Peggy Whitson I like to say I’m determined; some people would call it stubborn. It depends on your perspective. – Peggy Whitson
Ernie Banks I guess my critics say, ‘He must be crazy. Nothing can be that beautiful.’ But when you think that there are so many people around the world who have nothing, you realize how lucky you are to be making a living in the big leagues. – Ernie Banks
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