Leo Sayer There were people who went for serious mind enhancement, like Jimi Hendrix or John Lennon, although I didn’t really need to do that. I was blessed with an incredibly fertile imagination. – Leo Sayer Blessed Quotes Enhancement Quotes Fertile Quotes Hendrix Quotes Imagination Quotes Incredibly Quotes Jimi Quotes John Quotes Lennon Quotes Mind Quotes People Quotes I remember showing Prince around Warners’ recording studios. He was the nicest kid. I tend not to eat lunch because a midday meal makes me want to sleep in the afternoon.
P R Sreejesh The motivation will always be there to change the colour of the medal in Paris. – P R Sreejesh
Kell Brook I did speak to a counsellor after hitting rock bottom. It really did help, talking to somebody that didn’t know me and just pouring my heart out to them in a few sessions. – Kell Brook
Arabella Weir My parents both had Oxford degrees, they read important books, spoke foreign languages, drank real coffee and went to museums for pleasure. People like that don’t have fat kids: they were cut out to be winners and winners don’t have children who are overweight. – Arabella Weir
Ava Max My family had this dream where we would meet producers and songwriters, and it was not what we thought it would be. – Ava Max
Lizzie Armitstead I’m a very goal-oriented person, so I look at the specific demands of a certain race and tailor my training towards that. – Lizzie Armitstead
EnvironmentalKiefer Sutherland I do believe very strongly that all of us and all of the other things in the context of our planet with Mother Nature, all of these things absolutely have a profound effect. – Kiefer Sutherland
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