Steve Earle There’s a long tradition of people from the South living in New York City. – Steve Earle City Quotes Living Quotes People Quotes South Quotes Tradition Quotes York Quotes The creative core of New York has never been native New Yorkers; it’s people from all over the world. I’m used to writing stories with a beginning a middle and an end in four minutes.
Piet Mondrian If the paying public demands naturalistic art, then an artist can use his skills to produce such pictures – but these are to be clearly distinguished from the artist’s own art. – Piet Mondrian
Shweta Basu Prasad A child is born into a family that he/she does not choose, but is destined to be born in. And that child follows that particular family/society’s traditions. Most of which is important and perhaps, are ought to be followed. – Shweta Basu Prasad
Helen Oyeyemi The way ‘The Icarus Girl’ came about was by me just basically bragging it with a literary agent and telling him I’d written 150 pages when I’d only written 20. And I think it was when the agent e-mailed me back right the very next day after sending him the 20 pages and asking to see the other 130. – Helen Oyeyemi
Jim Nantz I love Augusta. I get to cover what I consider to be the best golf tournament of the year, and I really would like to think that one day – God willing, CBS willing – I’d be able to say that I worked 50 Masters. – Jim Nantz
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