Catherine Hicks There’s a oneness to showing yourself to an audience. They feel that. It’s healthy. That’s what acting is all about. – Catherine Hicks Acting Quotes Audience Quotes Feel Quotes Healthy Quotes Oneness Quotes As an only child, I embrace loneliness. Hollywood loneliness helped to understand Marilyn Monroe in a real way. I was able to portray her very well. At Cornell, my acting teacher said you cannot be religious and be an artist. I sort of got it, because faith is a comfort and art comes from a lot of places, in a lot of people, from the dark chasm.
MF Doom The ‘Doom’ thing is to be able to come at things with a different point of view. I decided the mask would just add to the mystique of the character as well as make Doom stand out. I though it’d be an easy way for people to see and differentiate between characters, sorta like when an actor gains weight for a role. – MF Doom
A J Liebling To the Parisians, and especially to the children, all Americans are now ‘heros du cinema.’ This is particularly disconcerting to sensitive war correspondents, if any, aware, as they are, that these innocent thanks belong to those American combat troops who won the beachhead and then made the breakthrough. There are few such men in Paris. – A J Liebling
L Wolfe Gilbert Perchance the chemist is already damned and the guardian the blackest. – L Wolfe Gilbert
Mike Johanns One of the things that I always say about bioterrorism, whether it’s ourselves at the federal level, folks at the state level, or folks in the private industry, we’ve done many great things, especially since 9/11. – Mike Johanns
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