Howard Hawks There’s action only if there is danger. – Howard Hawks Action Quotes Danger Quotes If you want to make pictures and enjoy making them, you better go out and make something that a lot of people want to see. And then they’ll turn you lose and let you make what you want. And then maybe you can do some of the things that you want to do. But as a beginner, you haven’t got a chance. I’m a storyteller – that’s the chief function of a director. And they’re moving pictures, let’s make ’em move!
AloneFred Rogers Just because somebody wants to be alone sometimes, it doesn’t mean they don’t love you. – Fred Rogers
Brie Bella The retirement at WrestleMania 32 was a bittersweet moment for me. I was excited to see the next chapter of my life, which is becoming a mother, but at the same time, it was a very historical moment. It was a big part of what the Women’s Division has been striving and fighting for. – Brie Bella
Michelle Phan I don’t believe that if one door closes, that’s the end. You’re in control of that, but you need to seek opportunities and prepare for them. – Michelle Phan
Magnus Magnusson I love doing crosswords, it’s so important to keep the brain going. – Magnus Magnusson
Esther HicksScience If you look in ‘The Science of Getting Rich,’ you see no reference whatsoever to the ‘law of attraction.’ – Esther Hicks
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