Mohsen Makhmalbaf There’s an 800 kilometer border between Iran and Afghanistan. – Mohsen Makhmalbaf Afghanistan Quotes Border Quotes Iran Quotes Kilometer Quotes The style depends on the subject. Usually people like to categorise artists. With my films, I categorise people: if I know which one of my movies you like, I can tell which kind of a person you are.
Lexa Doig I thought I wanted to be a brain surgeon until I realized all the schooling it required. I didn’t like school very much so I had to come up with something else. – Lexa Doig
Margo Price Women get labeled ‘bossy’ when it’s like, ‘Maybe I’m a leader. Maybe I just know what I want.’ – Margo Price
Joey Ramone They asked me to sing – actually, it was Dee Dee, because he had seen me in Sniper and thought I wasn’t like anybody else. Everybody else was doing an Iggy or a Mick Jagger. – Joey Ramone
Paul Mooney You white folks see UFOs in your dreams. You don’t hear about Martians in Harlem. – Paul Mooney
Malik Jackson I try to get in people’s heads. My job is to get the ball, so if I’m talking trash to an O-lineman or quarterback or receiver, and they start thinking about me, that’s good, because they aren’t thinking about the game anymore. – Malik Jackson
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