Farrah Abraham There’s bigger things to worry about than makeup. – Farrah Abraham Bigger Quotes Makeup Quotes Worry Quotes I may speak my mind and come across as opinionated sometimes, but I would never want to harm anyone intentionally. In the Making’ reveals the truth about ‘being in the limelight’ as a young celebrity.
Philip Green I used to leave my house at 6:30 in the morning, and I would visit 10 shops every Saturday, starting at the furthest shop I’d decided to go to that day, ending up in Oxford Street 12 hours later. – Philip Green
Jared Kushner The N.Y.C. tech scene is vibrant, and Betabeat will be a great vehicle to cover it in depth. – Jared Kushner
Martin Henderson When I’m not acting, I’m usually sailing or camping or exploring or travelling or spending time in New Zealand. – Martin Henderson
Ginni Rometty As I say to our own team: ‘Never protect your past, never define yourself by a single product, and always continue to steward for the long-term. Keep moving towards the future.’ – Ginni Rometty
Naby Keita My dad loved Deco as a player. He started calling me Deco as a nickname around the house. – Naby Keita
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