Augusten Burroughs There’s never a false note in a Berg novel. – Augusten Burroughs Berg Quotes Note Quotes I love to both give and receive very old books. I’m like the guy who prepares your taxes or a dentist. I’m very conservative and boring in a lot of ways.
Shawn Amos You can talk about Michael Jackson all you want, but John Hughes was the soundtrack to my 1980s life. – Shawn Amos
Oscar Isaac A movie set is like a petri dish for neuroses, you know? It’s just, like, egos and weird personalities and, more than anything, fear. – Oscar Isaac
Adam Smith With the greater part of rich people, the chief enjoyment of riches consists in the parade of riches. – Adam Smith
Neha Kakkar Many young people even tell me that ‘You inspire us to do something big in life.’ – Neha Kakkar
Eileen Myles Poetry and novels are lists of our devotions. We love the feel of making the marks as the feelings are rising and falling. – Eileen Myles
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