Ken Loach There’s no great desire to own lots of stuff – and I don’t. You can only live in one house and drive one car. – Ken Loach Car Quotes Desire Quotes Drive Quotes House Quotes Live Quotes Lots Quotes Stuff Quotes The problem is, if you make a film that has certain implications in the story, and then you don’t follow through, it’s a cop out really, isn’t it? A film has got to demand to be made. Otherwise – if it’s just, ‘Shall we? Why not?’ – you shouldn’t make it.
Andre Dubus IIIImagination My mother was making $135 a week, but she had resilience and imagination. She might take frozen vegetables, cook them with garlic, onion and Spam, and it would taste like a four-star dinner. – Andre Dubus III
Franklin D Roosevelt The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. – Franklin D Roosevelt
David Halberstam No publisher in America improved a paper so quickly on so grand a scale, took a paper that was marginal in qualities and brought it to excellence as Otis Chandler did. – David Halberstam
David Moyes I don’t think anyone ever turns down their national team opportunity, but I think it has to be at the right time. – David Moyes
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