Ahmet Ertegun There’s no place in the world you can go and not hear rock-and-roll, from Michael Jackson and Stevie Wonder to Phil Collins. – Ahmet Ertegun Collins Quotes Hear Quotes Jackson Quotes Michael Quotes Phil Quotes Rockandroll Quotes Stevie Quotes When I first heard Ray Charles, he was a flop artist on a small label in California. He hadn’t sold any records. And I bought his contract for $2,500. Jesse Stone did more to develop the basic rock-and-roll sound than anybody else.
Dinesh Paliwal I love what I do, and I find personal joy through my work at Harman. My identity is who I am and what I do. – Dinesh Paliwal
MedicalSydney Brenner I set up a laboratory in the Department of Physiology in the Medical School in South Africa and begin to try to find a bacteriophage system which we might use to solve the genetic code. – Sydney Brenner
Kendrick Meek In all, dozens upon dozens of groups and organizations have prioritized stopping the killing in Darfur before there is no one left to be killed. It is high time that we, the U.S. Congress, join our name to that list. – Kendrick Meek
Birch Bayh I look at the Senior Al Gore that I had the chance to serve in the Senate with. A great human being. He went down to defeat to this right wing bunch back at the time. – Birch Bayh
Alexander Pushkin I do not like Moscow life. You live here not as you want to live, but as old women want you to. – Alexander Pushkin
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