Mahathir Mohamad There’s no point in treating a currency like a commodity, devaluing it artificially and causing a lot of poverty among poor countries. – Mahathir Mohamad Artificially Quotes Causing Quotes Commodity Quotes Countries Quotes Currency Quotes Devaluing Quotes Lot Quotes Poor Quotes Poverty Quotes Treating Quotes I don’t care much whether people remember me or not. If people remember, well and good. If they don’t remember, it’s alright – I’m dead anyway. I believe that currency trading should not be a business at all.
Jonathan Capehart Democrats being Democrats, count on those nettlesome conversations about whether Biden will or should run for reelection to reemerge with end-of-the-world urgency. – Jonathan Capehart
PeaceYakov Smirnoff As Americans after 9/11, we’re much more united, together as a nation, and we got stronger, better, and more at peace. By peace, I mean the harmony you can feel in our united determination to fight these terrorists and killers. – Yakov Smirnoff
Morrie Schwartz So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they’re busy doing things they think are important. This is because they’re chasing the wrong things. – Morrie Schwartz
Melanie Roach I really feel like that concept of enjoying the now and not worrying about the future is what my coach has been trying to teach me for 14 years – and that is what has made me such a different athlete 10 years later, and that is what has made me strong enough mentally to make this Olympic team. – Melanie Roach
Patty Smyth I’ve lived most of my life in Manhattan, but I lived in Brooklyn for a while as a kid. I went to junior high school there. Girls in Brooklyn have to be tough – I mean real tough – just to get by. It’s life in the combat zone. – Patty Smyth
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