Alfred M Gray There’s no such thing as a crowded battlefield. Battlefields are lonely places. – Alfred M Gray Battlefield Quotes Battlefields Quotes Crowded Quotes Lonely Quotes I don’t run democracy. I train troops to defend democracy and I happen to be their surrogate father and mother as well as their commanding general. I go where the sound of thunder is.
Eddie Murphy The economy in Ireland has been rampaging ahead for the last 15 years. Barring an international, political or natural catastrophe, things can only get better for the Irish. – Eddie Murphy
James Sinegal Paying your employees well is not only the right thing to do but it makes for good business. – James Sinegal
Ron Fournier We’re living in an era of unprecedented change, and I want to be a part of documenting it. – Ron Fournier
Mae Martin A Canadian comedian once told me that when you first go out there to imagine that you’re actually just going back out for the encore, that all the clapping is because they’ve already seen you do your thing and they want to see more. You can train your mind to do anything. – Mae Martin
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