Megan Shull There’s nothing more nourishing to the spirit than doing what you feel called to do. – Megan Shull Called Quotes Feel Quotes Nourishing Quotes Spirit Quotes If girls hear that they can create and fulfill their own ideas of who they might be, those extraneous expectations can become less restricting and a lot more healthy. When you do your heart’s calling, when you’re doing what moves you, all good things happen. That may sound a little too mystical for some people, but I really do believe it.
Jon Landau Ringo Starr may not have much of a voice, but when he sang a song on a Beatle album, it had its own special charm. – Jon Landau
Jacob Anderson I write songs when I need to. That’s how I write songs: when there’s something that’s bugging me. If something’s troubling me, and I don’t really know how to articulate it to people directly – my friends, my family, or my girlfriend – then I’ll write a song about it because I know I can articulate it that way. – Jacob Anderson
Paul Schrader Taxi Driver’ wasn’t autobiographical in terms of the actual events, but I did draw on my own mental state. – Paul Schrader
DesignTom Peters Design is so critical it should be on the agenda of every meeting in every single department. – Tom Peters
Craig Ferguson I used to believe, like many people who come from poor backgrounds, that it gave me an edge, but I think that’s just something we have to tell ourselves to get by sometimes. I don’t believe that anymore. Children of privilege can be just as talented and clever as anybody else. – Craig Ferguson
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