Eugene Fama There’s quite a bit of evidence that even professionals don’t show any ability to pick stocks or to predict market rollbacks. Most of the people we identify as skilled based on returns have probably just been lucky. – Eugene Fama Ability Quotes Based Quotes Bit Quotes Evidence Quotes Identify Quotes Lucky Quotes Market Quotes People Quotes Pick Quotes Predict Quotes Professionals Quotes Returns Quotes Rollbacks Quotes Skilled Quotes Stocks Quotes People don’t walk away from their homes unless they can’t make the payments. That’s an indication that we are in a recession. Market timing doesn’t work. If all the bubbles and all this mispricing really exist, how come so few people see it before it turns out that way?
Dizzy Dean I can’t tell you why there’s a delay, but stick your head out of the window and you’ll know why. – Dizzy Dean
Matt Stone It’s the business of movies, it’s the fights that go along with the level of budget, and more than anything, it’s the creative constipation of having to live with one idea for two or three years. It’s just not that fun. – Matt Stone
Jay Pharoah I’ve never seen Kendrick Lamar crack a joke, and I’ve met him, but I’m sure he’s hilarious, too, just because he’s so good at rapping. J. Cole is a funny guy as well. Drake is funny. But who’s the funniest guy I’ve met who is a rapper? I would say 50 Cent. – Jay Pharoah
Carolina Herrera Most people travel with a good book, but I also keep my agenda with me; I’ll flip through the pages and take a few moments to organize my life a little – I rarely get the time to do this normally. – Carolina Herrera
Otto Preminger I can’t talk about every single film I made. It’s not my way to go back into the past and to look at my old pictures and to discuss them. – Otto Preminger
Harriet Van Horne One who roams the channels after dark, searching for buried treasure. – Harriet Van Horne
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