Julius Erving There’s the typical books, Moby Dick and, I guess in my adult life I began to read biographies more than fiction. I started to want to relate to other people’s lives, things that had really happened. – Julius Erving Adult Quotes Biographies Quotes Books Quotes Dick Quotes Fiction Quotes Guess Quotes Happened Quotes Life Quotes Lives Quotes Moby Quotes Peoples Quotes Read Quotes Relate Quotes Started Quotes Typical Quotes Teachers are sort of faced with a thankless task, because no matter how good they are, unless they find a way to personally rationalize the rewards of their effort, nobody else is really going to do it for them en masse. In a lot of areas of my life, particularly in my teenage years, I began to think about the world, and to think about the universe as being a part of my conscious everyday life.
Marian Seldes I think of myself as only being an actress when I’m acting, but my friends will say I act all the time. – Marian Seldes
Alex Campbell Over the past several years, all of us as Canadians, and as members of the North American cultural and economic environment, have been to a greater or lesser extent party to a significant attitudinal change towards our culture. – Alex Campbell
Benjamin Todd Jealous As an American people, what is greatest about our history are the many times we have led this world away from hate, towards hope. – Benjamin Todd Jealous
Judy Smith I will say this about the truth – that it’s one of those crisis rules, whether you are a client or someone who’s living their life just every day – is that the truth has a funny way of not going away, and telling the truth is extremely important in dealing with any problem or crisis. – Judy Smith
Robert Krulwich Cezanne produced precarious little worlds that almost, almost, almost lose their balance but somehow hold themselves together, creating tension, beauty and danger all at once. – Robert Krulwich
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