Macklemore There’s this tendency to be like, ‘Where’s the negative stuff? How valid is the criticism?’ But honestly, what people think of me is none of my business. If I live on the Internet looking for public approval, I’m going to be miserable. – Macklemore Approval Quotes Business Quotes Criticism Quotes Honestly Quotes Internet Quotes Live Quotes Miserable Quotes Negative Quotes People Quotes Public Quotes Stuff Quotes Tendency Quotes Valid Quotes We have to tell people who need help that it’s OK to ask for it. I think that, as a white person stepping into doing any sort of anti-systematic-racism type of work, asking yourself, ‘What is your intention?’ needs to happen on a consistent basis. Check yourself. Check yourself. Check yourself, like, constantly.
Joseph Pulitzer I am deeply interested in the progress and elevation of journalism, having spent my life in that profession, regarding it as a noble profession and one of unequaled importance for its influence upon the minds and morals of the people. – Joseph Pulitzer
Hugh Skinner It’s weird how quickly you get used to spray tans. You might smell of biscuits, but you feel fabulous. – Hugh Skinner
Sucheta Dalal The savvy investor is one who does not believe every rumor on the street and learns to read between the lines of newspaper reports. – Sucheta Dalal
Irene Rosenfeld I think my father was somewhat disappointed in not having had a son, and in that way I was the nearest thing he had. – Irene Rosenfeld
Grace Gealey I’m a very spiritual person, and I believe in God and all that kind of stuff. So my perfect type of guy would be spiritually grounded, extremely respectful and funny because I love to laugh. – Grace Gealey
Jeff Gutt I’ve had a record deal before and I was willing to do whatever they wanted me to do and I thought that would be it. By the end of it, you know, I hated myself. – Jeff Gutt
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