Louise Jameson They handled it very badly. It was disappointing and very humiliating. John York was very rude. He never consulted with me over what he said to the press. – Louise Jameson Badly Quotes Consulted Quotes Disappointing Quotes Handled Quotes Humiliating Quotes John Quotes Press Quotes Rude Quotes York Quotes I’m quite grateful to the BBC. They helped me back onto the touring circuit. I would love to go back as Leela in this new series.
Marley Dias I’ve learned to use big words. Because I’m an avid reader, I can prove myself as a smart and diligent person. – Marley Dias
Francis Ford Coppola Most filmmakers can’t afford to try something out that doesn’t work. – Francis Ford Coppola
Jane GoodallPet You cannot share your life with a dog, as I had done in Bournemouth, or a cat, and not know perfectly well that animals have personalities and minds and feelings. – Jane Goodall
Gordon Ramsay Would I swap what I have achieved as a cook if I could have been as successful as a footballer? Definitely. – Gordon Ramsay
Martin Landau Sergio Leone came to see me when I was doing ‘Mission Impossible.’ He wanted me to do ‘A Fistful of Dollars.’ I turned him down. I didn’t want to get stuck as a stoic Western movie star. – Martin Landau
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