Bez They look after themselves, bees. Bit like a cat, really. They just come in and go out, as the fancy takes them. But then they give you honey. – Bez Bees Quotes Bit Quotes Cat Quotes Fancy Quotes Honey Quotes Takes Quotes I’m a 50-year-old man. The most I can do these days on a night out is wobble on the spot. Believe it or not, I once did ‘Mastermind’ and I’m happy to say I didn’t finish last.
John T Flynn The only result of our present system – unless we reverse the drift – must be the gradual extension of the fascist sector and the gradual disappearance of the system of free enterprise under a free representative government. – John T Flynn
Michael J Saylor I basically got an education in software on DuPont’s money because they were too stubborn to admit that a recession was coming. – Michael J Saylor
Mary Steenburgen We don’t want to be reminded that life ends at some point, so they don’t put older people on the screen. – Mary Steenburgen
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