Patricia Ireland They plan to ride into the White House on the Sweet Talk Express. Well, think again. Bush and Cheney are not compassionate conservatives. They are ruthless reactionaries. – Patricia Ireland Bush Quotes Cheney Quotes Compassionate Quotes Conservatives Quotes Express Quotes House Quotes Plan Quotes Reactionaries Quotes Ride Quotes Ruthless Quotes Sweet Quotes Talk Quotes White Quotes We have to stop this violence. We have to make the political nature of the violence clear, that the violence we experience in our own homes is not a personal family matter, it’s a public and political problem. It’s a way that women are kept in line, kept in our places. The Violence Against Women Act is so important. It provides money to train the cop on the beat, to train the judges that this is a new day, that we won’t tolerate this violence and to know how to deal with it.
Mary Wortley Montagu Prudent people are very happy; ’tis an exceeding fine thing, that’s certain, but I was born without it, and shall retain to my day of Death the Humour of saying what I think. – Mary Wortley Montagu
Antoine Fuqua The simple answer is I’d just be a guy trying to feed my family, like everybody else. The complicated answer is, I think I’d be in some sort of military or government world of some sort. – Antoine Fuqua
Daniel Suarez I think if I were to express my wish, it would be that we are more regionally self-reliant. And I don’t mean people being survivalists, I mean regionally self-reliant. So that you have these individual cells. The idea of having different solutions in different areas, so that we have a very robust, durable civilization. – Daniel Suarez
Jeff Probst I’m not one of these guys who says, Now I’m on a really hot show, better quit soon before I get labeled. That’s the most ridiculous notion I’d ever heard. – Jeff Probst
George OppenPoetry Clarity, clarity, surely clarity is the most beautiful thing in the world, A limited, limiting clarity I have not and never did have any motive of poetry But to achieve clarity. – George Oppen
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